Content Marketing and SEO

Utilizing Content Marketing in your SEO plans As times change so do the requirements for ranking highly on search engines. Google now rates well written, data rich, relevant, valuable content highly and in order for your website to stay up there with the best of them you must consider what…

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How much does a website cost? Why £10,000 is a bargain

One of the most common questions we're asked as web developers is, "How much does a website cost?" Oddly enough, it's never this initial question that's hard to answer, it's question number two: "Why so much?" It usually takes at least a few seconds for potential clients to wipe the…

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The Honest Truth: How much should you pay for a website?

When ever I get inquiries about building a website or blog, they have one main question: How much is this going to cost? It's logical to think that this one of the main pivotal questions. Those of us who aren’t rich or famous have a limited amount of money and…

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How it all started – What did the first ever website look like?

Back in 1991, the first ever website was launched. It's hard to believe that it was such a short time ago that none of the connectivity that we have grown accustomed to even existed. Today there are approximately 1.88 billion websites, this figure is currently increasing at a fast rate. The…

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